Los servicios de Attend Home Care abordan varios aspectos de la vida diaria, incluida la asistencia con la higiene personal, el compañerismo y la atención de enfermedades como el Alzheimer y la demencia, entre otros servicios de atención domiciliaria.
La atención complementaria se centra en brindar apoyo emocional y compañía a las personas mayores que pueden estar aisladas en sus propios hogares. Los cuidadores entablan conversaciones significativas, participan en pasatiempos y acompañan a las personas mayores en los paseos y salidas sociales. Este enfoque ayuda a aliviar los sentimientos de soledad, promueve el bienestar mental y hace que la vida diaria sea más agradable para sus seres queridos a medida que envejecen.
Nuestra atención las 24 horas brinda apoyo continuo para las necesidades personales a través de turnos rotativos para los cuidadores, lo que garantiza una atención vigilante las 24 horas del día. Este servicio de atención domiciliaria es ideal para quienes necesitan asistencia continua para la prevención de caídas, el apoyo a la movilidad, la preparación de comidas, la asistencia para el transporte y más.
Nuestra atención para la enfermedad de Alzheimer y la demencia incluye la participación en actividades para apoyar la memoria y la función cognitiva. Los cuidadores están capacitados para hacer frente a los desafíos de estas afecciones y ofrecen cuidados de la memoria personalizados para garantizar que su ser querido se sienta apoyado en su propio hogar en lugar de en un hogar de ancianos. La atención para personas con enfermedad de Alzheimer y demencia también puede incluir apoyo para la movilidad en el hogar, ir al baño y cuidados adicionales por las noches, cuando los síntomas del síndrome de la puesta del sol se hacen más evidentes.
¡Es un honor y un privilegio ofrecer servicios a nuestros veteranos! Servicios de cuidado de veteranos están personalizados para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de quienes han prestado servicio en el ejército.
Amy currently serves as the Executive Director and has been with Commonwealth Nursing Solutions, Attend Home Care’s Kentucky branch, since its founding in 2010. She has a background in nursing home administration, management, and customer service, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. Amy enjoys spending time with her family, including her miniature goldendoodle, Baxter, who occasionally visits the office and clients who welcome him. She also enjoys cooking and going to the beach.
Mary Rose Pinotti Smith (Rose) is the Development Coordinator for CNS and focuses on staff recruitment, client referral coordination, DSP training and supervision, and activities coordination. She also can be found out in the field working with clients about once a week. Rose graduated from the University of Louisville in 2010 with her Master of Science in Social Work, received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology/Anthropology, Minor in Vocal Performance in 2008 from the University of Transylvania. Rose is the oldest of 5 girls, and the sibling just younger than her has a developmental disability, which motivated her to be an advocate and work for clients that have developmental and intellectual disabilities. Rose is also a wife, mom, stepmom, professional singer, and crafter. She keeps her office decorated for each and every holiday, so if you ever need to add a touch of glitter to your life, just pay her a visit.
Amy currently serves as the Executive Director and has been with Commonwealth Nursing Solutions, Attend Home Care’s Kentucky branch, since its founding in 2010. She has a background in nursing home administration, management, and customer service, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. Amy enjoys spending time with her family, including her miniature goldendoodle, Baxter, who occasionally visits the office and clients who welcome him. She also enjoys cooking and going to the beach.
Mary Rose Pinotti Smith (Rose) is the Development Coordinator for CNS and focuses on staff recruitment, client referral coordination, DSP training and supervision, and activities coordination. She also can be found out in the field working with clients about once a week. Rose graduated from the University of Louisville in 2010 with her Master of Science in Social Work, received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology/Anthropology, Minor in Vocal Performance in 2008 from the University of Transylvania. Rose is the oldest of 5 girls, and the sibling just younger than her has a developmental disability, which motivated her to be an advocate and work for clients that have developmental and intellectual disabilities. Rose is also a wife, mom, stepmom, professional singer, and crafter. She keeps her office decorated for each and every holiday, so if you ever need to add a touch of glitter to your life, just pay her a visit.